
The year of the Metal Rabbit is coming at the Earth through the night of the February 3rd in accordance with the Traditional Chinese calendar. Each year inaugurates itself as a New Cycle, a Renewal in the human life, an appearance of a New and an Important. NordFX prepares a good “new year” present for its traders all over the world. It will be the most joyful for the clients wanting to try Forex trading and evaluate the excellent quality of our services.

NordFX expands the line of trading accounts with the new one – the “Welcome!”-account. It has already deposited with $8. The funds are provided by the company for trading at the “free of charge” basis. It means you can start trading immediately after opening the account!

The above mentioned $8 will be deducted on the first withdrawal of the funds only, so one can start trading without depositing its own funds. Moreover all profits gained at the account can be withdrawn at any time. There are no restrictions for the number of transactions made and the volume of trades.

An “8” is considered to be the lucky number in the East and it sounds similar to the “prosperity” in Cantonese. NordFX offers for all of its clients to use the upcoming opportunity and to lay the foundations for the future prosperity in the Year of the Rabbit with the new “Welcome!”-account! Have a successful trading!

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